What Have I Been Doing Wrong?

I am devastated,
And really, really angry at myself.
It’s all because I did an audit today on how I have been working for the past 14 days.
The results shocked me and made me come back to reality.
I failed at the commitment I made to myself and I hate it.
The reality is that I am not performing at the level I want to see myself.
This kills me, I hate it and I absolutely want to crucify myself for not working and giving my 100%.
(And then there is a part of me that wants to give me a break and tell me that I have been doing my best.
What I could have done in the circumstances and all that crap but this part needs to STFU this time!)
The only reason I haven’t been able to do what I want to do is that I have not been putting in the hours.
I, 100% believe that success isn’t won, it is rented and the rent is due every single day.
Unfortunately, I have not been paying the rent because of many factors but I know that they are all BS.
Who cares if 10,000 hours is a real thing or not?
I am going to assume it is the real deal, think about how much time I have put in and done something about it.
I can’t leave myself in the position I am in and since we always know what we should do, I am going to be my own doctor and do what needs to be done.
If you like me are not happy with your progress then use the following techniques for yourself:
1. Track Every Single Minute Spent Working And Not Working
I need my work to be at least 8 hours per day and most at 16 hours.
This time includes the time for studying and implementing everything I do.
Anything less than 8 hours and I am not going to sleep until I get to the point.
2. Isolate Myself From The World
Every person I meet is a time vampire (these days) and I need to hide from these time vampires.
My hiding place has been compromised because all these people know where I hang out.
So now, I am going to find new places where I can work uninterrupted in peace.
3. Set 90-Day Targets And Break Them Down
I have figured that in starting even 90 days target seem too far away so let’s try setting weekly targets and see what happens.
I know these steps are hard to implement but the medicine must be taken.
These steps need to be executed to save me from me.
I hate being average and mediocre at the stuff I love and this is what I will be if I don’t change myself.
So this post is dedicated to the change I will go through
Everyone reading this hold me accountable, I will prove that it is possible.
I believe that the next time I post on my progress, I will be happily bouncing because of the work I have done and will set even bigger goals for myself.
- Dan