Make A Difference…

Daniyal Abbas
2 min readDec 21, 2020


I wanted to make a difference…

So I decided to to start my own business

And earn more money

With more money, I could support my dreams and live a great life


I had no skills

I had no idea how to earn money

From childhood until my late teens my parents provided me with everything I wanted


I read a few books

Started following some people online…

I got a loan

I got into debt…

$10K to be exact

Changed my online career

While managing my medical studies at the same time…

The first thing I tried failed

The second thing failed as well

And it went on and on

Two years into this…

I stumbled onto copywriting

Everything I had tried so far was a fad

With copywriting I felt as if it could stand the test of time

It made sense because copywriting had been around since the age of mankind

Modern advertising had been around since 1900’s

So I figured it would stay for a couple of decades more

The feel of words, spinning a golden thread in between sentences

Seducing the reader, it felt like the perfect blend of fiction and nonfiction


I learned that you have to be patient

You have to sacrifice…

When you find that one thing, then do whatever you can to take it, learn it, master it and immerse yourself in it.

For me, this meant letting go of all my social commitments, studies and what not…

Life happened in between and here we are…

I’m still not a master

I’m slowly getting there

And, maybe one day I might get there but who knows?

