I’m sick of hearing your excuses…

Daniyal Abbas
2 min readJul 19, 2021


“I’m not ready.”

“I don’t know how to sell.”

“My offer sucks.”

“I can’t afford it.”

“I can’t write.”

“I don’t know what to write about.”

“What if no one likes my post?”

(honestly, happens with most of us time to time)

Please stop.

Write down all the reasons why you can’t do it on a piece of paper, make a paper ball out of it and throw it in the dust bin.

That’s how you get out of your own way.

No one cares about you or what you do.

Especially early on.

That’s not a bad thing…

Since what you’re gonna produce in the start is not going to be that good anyway.

Instead, here’s what you can do:

- Stop overthinking and just write

- Talk to people daily and connect with them

Here’s another tip:

What do people care about most?


Talk about them

Bonus tip:

Want people to care about you?

Be yourself.

Before someone buys from you, they’ll have to buy you.

They won’t be able to buy you if they don’t even know you.

How do you do that?

Consider your disadvantages (and excuses you’re making) as the story material that you can use and tell it to others.

Tell them how you overcame all of that.

This is your competitive advantage.

Document your entrepreneurial journey from day zero.

Share your failures — and your wins.

Offer value whenever possible.

And ask for nothing.

You grow by documenting mistakes.

In the end, people will want to work with you because of you…

They trust you, and they know what you are all about.

That’s how you win in the beginning and the end.

