How To Instantly Make Your Writing More Persuasive?

Daniyal Abbas
2 min readApr 19, 2018


As I write this, it’s 9:45 pm and I am sitting on a wooden chair that is slightly leaning back.

It’s a bit cool, one of those summer night with the cool breeze.

These nights almost make you want to go and grab a cup of coffee but you think it should rather be something cold, for summer’s sake.

What am I doing out here anyway?

I write words that people want to read and I absolutely love what I do.

And to get my creative juices flowing I like to change my environment occasionally, hence I am out here.

(To be exact, I do Copywriting and SEO and occasionally business consulting… but moving on.)

One of the things that all writers want to do is make their writing more persuasive so that more people read their words and remember them.

So how do you make your writing more persuasive?

Well, it isn’t actually a secret, honestly.

Anyone who has ever read a good novel knows about it.

Don’t you?

Or maybe you haven’t noticed it yet?

Trust me when you start noticing it you’ll get a bit annoyed with the author.

I mean, he does it on purpose and he doesn’t stop doing it.

Why should he?

This is why people read his novels and make him a best seller.

Still haven’t figured out yet?

I’ll put you out of your misery and let you know the ‘secret’.

It’s quite simply this,

Describe the situation, the emotion and what the character is feeling in detail.

As if the person reading was in the characters mind and seeing the world through them.

This makes anyone, absolutely anyone wants to read it on and on.

Go back and read the introductory paragraph and you’ll realize what I did there.

I described exactly what I was doing, what was going in my mind and what happened and this made you read it.

(If you skipped to this part, then go back and read the introduction.)

This is also one of the reasons why we feel such a loss when we see our favorite novels turned into movies and the movies just don’t feel right for some reason.

I mean, I’ll always love to read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series instead of watching the movie.

(They don’t even cover half of the stuff in there!)

So now that you know the secret, go out there and try to use it in your own writing.

Caution: Use it like the icing on a cake, don’t make it the whole cake otherwise the reader will get bored.

You want this to hook them in and then let the rest of your sentences take the reader from there to finish line.

I’ll go and get the chilled drink that I should be drinking in summer.

- Dan

P.S: Certain psychology triggers play a part in this trick which I’ll cover in a future post.

P.P.S: This technique has been used in many many great sales letters out there so all copywriters can benefit from this technique as well.

