Goal Setting For 2018

Daniyal Abbas
2 min readJan 1, 2018


I have been consistently making goals for each coming year but for one reason or another I have failed to achieve them but something tells me that this year would be different!

Why do I say that?

Because this year,

I am going to shift the focus from what I want to do to what I can do, this means I will have to get more focused, disciplined and will need to set up constant accountability.

I’ll give you some examples of some goals that I have for my new year:

1. Getting Into The Best Shape Yet

Previously my goal was to lose weight and put on 20 lbs. of muscle but these factors are outside my control and I don’t know how or when stuff might happen.

So now my focus is instead on:

- Working out three times a week

- Doing intermittent fasting

- Tracking what I eat and drink

2. Getting To Six Figures In Revenue

Previously my goal was to get into six-figure revenues by doing “work”. Though I had no idea what that word meant or how I would do that?

But now, I have made the plan to:

- Getting focused on a niche

- Doing 20 outreaches per day

- Sending 30 cold emails a day

- Reaching out to 10 people per day on Facebook and telling them about my online marketing services.

3. Upgrading My Skills To Expert Level

I had never actually thought of how I would upgrade my skills and honestly knowing more than the other person isn’t fitting my definition of being an expert anymore because I don’t want to “play” with someone’s business.

Now, I have planned to:

- Ranking one website per month on Google for the niche that I am focusing on as a pay per rent website

- Reading one book a day on one topic related to online marketing

- Going through one program (that teaches the technical skills) in 7–14 days

- Practicing my copywriting skills by writing one letter a day

Will I get to my goals doing this?

Probably yes, because I believe that with consistency and persistence I will get results and even if they are not 100% what I planned they will at least be 80%.

And that is better than some wishful thinking about what I would like to achieve through my “new years resolutions”.

Hope this gives you more clarity and helps you in your goal setting.

If you have found some better way or if you want to comment on what I should do or should not do then let me know!

- Dan

P.S: Share your goals with the world in the comments or message me if you want an extra boost of accountability.

