Fall down 7 times get up 8

Daniyal Abbas
1 min readJun 7, 2021


One thing I’ve learned over the past month or so is

“Life is hard…

And it’s gonna get tougher…

You will get beaten, discouraged, ridiculed, stopped

And sometimes…

You’ll lose all hope”

- But -

That doesn’t need to be the end of your story

As long as you are willing and get back up and try again you have a shot

It’s not going to be easy…

It’s going to be very hard to push against that inertia

- And -

You might feel overwhelmed

You might feel that there is so much stuff to do that you end up doing nothing

You might waste your time with cheap entertainment or distract yourself in other ways


If you start

Take one step at a time then eventually you are gonna get back your momentum

The only condition is

You have to start again

Cause if you don’t then you’ve lost.


Fall down seven times get up 8

