#1 — An Open Letter To Anyone Who Wonders Where I am?

Dear friend,
If you think what I am about to say doesn’t apply to you, then yes it probably doesn’t.
But if you think it does then read on…
I am writing this for those people who are/were my friends, who are constantly trying to ‘get in touch’ with me or want to ‘talk’ about the good ol’ days.
I am sorry guys, I can’t respond back.
It’s not because I am above you or don’t want to talk to you.
The simple truth is that I am busy.
Busy with what you might ask?
Busy building my dreams, goals and the life I want…
Busy making my dreams into reality…
Busy going all in on my goals…
Busy creating the life where I do what I want, when I want, with whom I want…
You might wonder it won’t hurt that much to talk for 5 mins, would it?
Well, to be really honest, it would.
You see time is the most finite resource all of us have.
We can get our health back, wealth back even our relationships back, but we can never ever get our time back.
No one has been able to stop time, and no one we know of has been able to go back in time (so far).
So when you might ask for some time, understand this that you are asking for a portion of my life I can never get back.
Do you really want to do that just to catch up?
And yes, if we do plan on something or if I am taking the time out of the day to talk to you in any way…
Then you are important to me and the value you are contributing to my life.
That is why I’ll guard that time with jealousy for you, my 100% attention will be focused on you and you only.
It is because you deserve it.
And a simple note to all the negative, obnoxious or plain ignorant people:
I don’t give a fvck to what you might think of me or say about me…
In 5 years from now, you won’t even remember me so why should I even care about your opinion?
And to anyone who is reading this just out of curiosity:
…do yourself and me, and everyone else who’ll walk into your life, a favor and be respectful of their time when you ask for it.
So to recap,
- Respect my time and I will respect you.
- I will not waste my time in anything that doesn’t contribute to my life.
- If I am giving you my time, then you are an important person and you have my respect.
- I don’t give a fvck about the negative people in my life.
- Respect anyone’s time with whom you will interact in the future.
Do me a favour if you are a bit serious about anything in your life?
Copy the letter word for word and post it on your wall so that everyone knows you respect your time.
If you are not that brave enough to post it, then I suggest sending this over to people who are wasting your time.
At least do something to protect your time.
-Daniyal Abbas
P. S:
Expect more stuff, words and other good things from me in the coming days!
I am just getting started!